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Introduction Video (1:08)
Description & Discussion
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ACTIVITY 1: Stomp the Dino Yard!
Activity 1.1 Introduction
Activity 1.2 Instructions
Share a Reflection
ACTIVITY 2: Dino Hatching
Activity 2.1 Introduction
Activity 2.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 3: Dino Picasso!
Activity 3.1 Introduction
Activity 3.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 4: Making Dino Fossils
Activity 4.1 Introduction
Activity 4.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 5: Dino Eggs
Activity 5.1 Introduction
Activity 5.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 6: Dino Hand Painting
Activity 6.1 Introduction
Activity 6.2 Instructions - Part 1
Activity 6.3 Instructions - Part 2
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ACTIVITY 7: Dino Sensory Bin
Activity 7.1 Introduction
Activity 7.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 8: Sorting Dinosaurs by Colour
Activity 8.1 Introduction
Activity 8.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 9: Dinosaur Height Check
Activity 9.1 Introduction
Activity 9.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 10: Leaf or Meat Eaters?
Activity 10.1 Introduction
Activity 10.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 11: Triceratops Egg Carton Craft
Activity 11.1 Introduction
Activity 11.2 Instructions
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ACTIVITY 12: Dino Swamp Sensory Writing Tray
Activity 12.1 Introduction
Activity 12.2 Instructions
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Activity 5.2 Instructions
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